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Refer to   JIWA website for more information.

Integration modules for JIWA 7

  1. Accounts Payable Invoice - Entries are created in "JIWA -> Creditors -> Transactions -> Purchases -> Purchases"
  2. Accounts Payable Master
  3. Accounts Receivable Adjustment - Entries are created in "JIWA -> Debtors -> Transactions -> Adjustments"
  4. Accounts Receivable Master
  5. Accounts Receivable Receipt - Entries are created in "JIWA -> Cash Book -> Receipts"
  6. Accounts Receivable Sales Order - Entries are created in "JIWA -> Sales -> Order Entry"
  7. Accounts Receivable Transaction
  8. Business Intelligence Reports
  9. General Ledger Journals - Entries are created in "JIWA -> General Ledger -> Journal Transactions -> Journal Sets"
  10. General Ledger Master
  11. Inventory
  12. Tax Master

Steps to configure integration to JIWA 7:

  1. Apply the SQL Script "IntegrationScriptsJIWA7.sql" to the JIWA 7 database. The SQL Script is located in folder "<installed directory>\Link Technologies\DBIntegrationScripts"
  2. Configure the SQL API integration   
  3. "Accounts Receivable Sales Order -> Warehouse" - Enter the warehouse name in format: {Physical}\{Logical}.
    For example:
    Physical warehouse is: New South Wales
    Logical warehouse is: Main
    The value to enter in "Warehouse" configuration is: New South Wales\Main
  4. Enable the modules that is required for integration.

The following areas needs to be configured in JIWA:

  1. Create POS "Payment Methods" in Jiwa.
    1. Create and set the Bank Account under "Debtor --Configuration --Payment Types" in JIWA.
    2. Set the Bank Account and Shift Variance accounts under "Payment Methods"  in POS.
  2. Create "Tax Codes" in Jiwa under "Tax Maintenance" same as Tax codes under "Linkweb - Inventory- Tax Maintenance"
    1. Create tax code under "System Settings -- Tax --Tax Configuration". Create tax on all tax tabs
  3. Create POS  "Reasons"  in Jiwa
    1. Create reasons under Sales Order -->Configuration Credit Reasons Maintenance
    2. Set the reasons GL accounts in POS
  4. Create Rounding Item in Jiwa